home Chelonus key

basic information

head, dorsal view

maximum width and length
w:l < 1.6w:l = 1.6 - 1.8w:l = 1.8 - 2.0w:l >2.0
very narrrownarrowwidevery wide
Temples narrowing - widening behind eyes
temple not wideningw temple >= w eyew temple >> w eye
strongly narrowingnarrowingparallelwideningstrongly widening
C. annulatus (P7)C. annulipes (P1)C. caradrinae (P7)C. brachyurus (P2)C. pedator (P6)
<= 0.750.75 - 1.01.0 - 1.25> 1.25
C. pedator (P6)C. flavipalpis (P3)C. caradrinae (P7)C. canescens (P1)
very strongstrongmediumweakvery weak
C. pedator (P6)C. flavipalpis (P3)C. caradrinae (P7)C. canescens (P1)C. annulatus (P7)
distance between hind ocelli : hind ocellus diameter
<= 22 - 33 - 4> 4
C. erosus (P3)C. elongatus (P7)C. humilis (P2)C. parcicornis (P15)
ocellar triangle width : length / angle between ocelli
W:L <= 1.8, <= 90°W:L 1.8 - 2.1, 90° - 110°W:L 2.1 - 2.4, 100° - 120°W:L> 2.4, > 110°
very narrownarrowwidevery wide
C. pappi (T22)C. canescens (P1)C. latrunculus (P1)C. dolosus (T17)
very shallowshallowdeepvery deep
<15%15 - 25%25 - 35%> 35%
C. pappi (T22)C. subsulcatus (P8)C. seticornis (P2)C. dolosus (T17)

head, lateral view

Head height is measured as the distance from the hind ocellus to the lower side of the clypeus, and the head width perpendicular to this line from below he scapus to the back of the head
<= 1.251.25 - 1.41.4 - 1.55> 1.55
very shortshortlongvery long
C. mucronatus (P2)C. lugubris (P1)C. nigritulus (P6)C. rostratus (T15)
<= 1.81.8 - 2.02.0 - 2.2> 2.2
very shortshortlongvery long
C. annulatus (P1)C. olgae (P7)C. scabrosus (P3)C. flavipalpis (P3)
<= 1.11.1 - 1.31.3 - 1.5> 1.5
very shortshortlongvery long
C. longiventris (P4)C. lugubris (P1)C. pellucens (P3)C. mucronatus (P2)

head, frontal view

The head height is measured from the top of the head, on or above the front ocellus, to the lower edge of the clypeus
<= 1.21.2 - 1.31.3 - 1.4> 1.4
very narrownarrowwidevery wide
C. kopetdagicus (T14)C. hofferi (TL4)C. nigellus (T9)C. depressus (P4)
The face is measured from the antennal foramen to the top of the clypeus, and the width is the distance between the eyes at the middle of the face.
<= 1.61.6 - 1.91.9 - 2.2> 2.2
very narrownarrowwidevery wide
C. subsulcatus (P8)C. ()C. depressus (P4)C. dolosus (T17)
> 4° converging> 4° diverging
distinctly convergingabout paralleldistinctly diverging
C. subsulcatus (T14)C. depressus (P4)C. macrellips (TL)
eye height : malar space length
EH:MSL <= 1.61.6 - 2.22.2 - 2.8> 2.8
very shortshortlongvery long
C. depressus (P4)C. microphtalmus (P1)C. ripaeus (T4)C. subsulcatus (P8)
CW:CH <= 1.51.5 - 1.751.75 - 2.0> 2.0
quadrangularsemicirculartransversevery transverse
C. microphtalmus (P1)C. minutus (P16)C. mucronatus (T14)C. nigellus (T9)
<= -20%-20 - 0%0 - 20%> 20%
far belowbelowabovefar above
C. macrellips (TL)C. rostratus (Lo1)C. karadagi (T5)C. subsulcatus (P8)
Distance between tentorial pits : distance between pits and eyes
<= 1.01.0 - 1.31.3 - 1.6> 1.6
very smallsmalllargevery large
C. depressus (P4)C. microphthalmus (P1)C. subsulcatus (P8)C. frontalis (TL4)
convextruncateslightly excised, sinuoustwo teeth
C. microphthalmus (P1)C. cesa (P7)C. bimaculatus (P7)C. lukasi (TL3)


Antenna widened beyond middle
filiform, not widenedslightly widenedclearly widened
C. temporalis (T4)C. pseudobasalis (TL4)C. oculator (A1)
Length : width ratio of antennal segment 3 (1st flagellar segment)
l:w <= 2.62.6 - 3.6> 3.6
l:w <= 1.251.25 - 1.75> 1.75
C. koponeni (T5)C. subsulcatus (P8)C. temporalis (T13)
head + 0.5 mesosoma (33%)head + mesosoma (50%)head + mesosoma + 0.5 metasoma (75%) body length (100%)
1: very short2: short3: long4: very long

mesosoma, lateral view

l:h <= 1.41.4 - 1.6> 1.6
distinct, strong, clear, sharp
absentweak, indistinctpresentwell developed
distinct, strong
very small, very weakweak, small, shortpresentwell developed

mesosoma, ventral view

The prepectal carina (on the ventral side, behind the front coxae) is sometimes raised to form a thin lamella
C. bidentulus (P8)


l:w < 3.23.2 - 3.8> 3.8
C. flavipalpis (P3)C. predator (P6)C. retusus (P4)
<= 0.90.9 - 1.1> 1.1
clearly less than half of metatars (< 0.45)half or more of metatars (> 0.45)
C. submuticus (P1)C. obscuratus (P2)


<= 0.60.6 - 0.8> 0.8
C. dolosus (T17)C. elaeaphilus (P13)C. microphtalmus (P1)
r:3-SR <= 1.5r:3-SR > 1.5
C. microphtalmus (P1)C. latrunculus (P1)
if symmetrically S-shaped, choose 'straight'
concaveslightly concavestraight or S-shapedslightly convexconvex
C. oculator (A1)C. microphtalmus (P1)C. kopetdagicus (T14)C. parcicornis (P15)C. dolosus (T17)
if SR1 is S-shaped, indicate type of S-shape
slight S-shapestraight, concave or convexslightly S-shapedS-shaped
apically concavenot S-shapedapically convexapically convex
C. microphtalmus (P1)C. kopetdagicus (T14)C. elaeaphilus (P13)C. lukasi (TL3)
Marginal cell size : 2nd submarginal cell size
M : Sm2 < 1.71.7 - 2.4> 2.4
Sm2 largeSm2 mediumSm2 small
C. annulipes (P1)C. longiventris (P16)C. latrunculus (P1)
l:w < 2.42.4 - 2.9> 2.9
C. latrunculus (P1)C. flavipalpis (P1)C. antennalis (P2)
<= 40°40 - 55°> 55°
C. fenestratus (P6)C. gravenhorstii (P6)C. latrunculus (P1)

metasoma, dorsal view

l:w < 1.751.75 - 2.05> 2.05
C. breviventris (P2)C. annulatus (P1)C. longiventris (P3)
narrowing towards base or towards apex
W75 : W25 < 0.950.95 - 1.051.05 - 1.15> 1.15
narrowing to apexwidest in middlewidest towards apextapering to base
C. annulatus (P1)C. antennalis (P2)C. cesa (P7)C. annulipes (P1)

metasoma, lateral view

l:h <= 2.62.6 - 3.4> 3.4
C. breviventris (P2)C. mucronatus (P2)C. lugubris (P1)
height at 75% : height at 25% of metasoma
< 1.41.4 - 1.8> 1.8
C. atripes (P4)C. corvulus (P2)C. bidentulus (P2)
< 70%70 - 80%> 80%
C. erosus (P3)C. caradrrinae (P12)C. canescens (P1)

metasoma, ventral view

% incurved relative to metasoma length
0 - 5%5 - 12.5%> 12.5%
(almost) not incurvedjust/slightly incurved(distinctly) incurved
C. sulcatus (P4)C. elaeaphilus (P13)C. bidentulus (P2)

male apical aperture

<= 0.40.4 - 0.65> 0.65
no aperturesmallmediumlarge
C. minifossa (LT2)C. scabrosus (TL)C. risorius (TL)
aperture width : height ratio
w:h <= 1.751.75 - 3.5> 3.5
n. a.(nearly) roundovalelongate - slit
C. bosonohyi (TL4)C. pedator (P1)C. sulcatus (P3)
Median process width : height ratio
w:h < 1.01.0 - 2.0> 2.0
n. a.vertical carinahorizontal, nearly roundhorizontal oval
C. mucronatus (T14)C. scabrosus (TL)C. macrellips (TL)

species list

species score


distinctive features

extra features